26 - Chapter Xxvi -- Oh, You Must Have Had A Hard Time.
I head back down to the fox cubs.
"Are you okay? You've been in a lot of trouble, too.
"I'm so glad you made it.
The little fox spoke. What the hell is this?
"You can't talk, can you?"
"I may look like this, but I've been alive for 200 years. When a fox lives 200 years, he is reborn as a fox and can speak human language. At the time of reincarnation, the foxes who live while accumulating merits become white foxes, and the foxes who have committed many wrongdoings become foxes. Piaolan, who was just here, is a famous fox and our people have been tracking him down.
"Heh~. Why would such a white fox, with such virtues, be in a forest like this?"
Yes. Originally, I was sent to the kingdom of Juka as a household servant of the god. Our job as white foxes is to gather faith in the countries to which we are sent and be worshipped as gods there. While we were trying our best to gather faith and bestow various blessings, the Great Demon King appeared, so we abandoned our kingdom and took refuge in this forest.
"Is it safe to evacuate the country?"
"...It is not all right. But I was really scared. I escaped to the far end, but I didn't expect that the Great Demon King would come there..."
"Ah... ah... I'm sorry.
"I thought I would be killed if I was discovered, so I completely blocked out any sign of him and observed him from the tree tops. But when he suddenly stood up and chanted an angry spell, I was startled and fell down.
Oh, the wax figure. Forget that one.
"I was prepared to be killed, but I didn't think the Great Demon King would worship me with such delicious offerings. I was also lucky that even Piaolan, whom I had been tracking, came all the way here. We have taken away most of his abilities, so he can't do anything anymore..."
"Is Piaolan really such a vicious fox after all?"
He is a fox called "Tilt. He has done many things that have caused mischief and ruin to the country.
Sounds like a "wee" girl.
"Since you made an offering to me and defeated Piaolan, you have succeeded in lowering your cursed status. If you would like, I can remove your cursed status in return.
"Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! But first, tell me what this curse status is."
Cursed status is given to those who kill their own kind. If it is you, you are a human being. It depends on the situation and the grudge at the time of killing, but it is said that the status rises faster for those who commit murder without guilt and with enjoyment. In general..."
LV1 Murderer (1 or more murders)
LV2 Murderer (10 or more murders)
LV3 Demon (100 or more murders)
LV4 Demon king (500 or more murders)
LV5 Great Demon King (1,000 or more murders)
"It is the priests who lower or remove the status of these curses. You often see priests praying for soldiers after a war, and that is how they remove the curse status. Also, if you are baptized in a church, the level of curse will not increase easily. However, humans can only manage up to level 3. Even the highest priest, the Pope, is limited to level 3, so most priests can only manage level 2 or so.
"So my cursing skill is... lvl 4. My cursing skill is... lvl 4. The power of an offering is amazing... It must be a terrible act for a great demon king to make an offering. I see... So you think you can break my curse now?"
"When you become a white fox, you get a blessing, so it is possible to remove it up to level 4.
Then I'd like to ask you for a favor. I would like that very much.
"However, I would like to trace your memory once. I've never heard of a man of your age committing murders up to the time of the Great Demon King. If you are an evil person, the curse cannot be removed.
I understand. That's fine.
"Then we will see. I ask you to remove the wards.
Oh, I forgot.
"Hmm. Well, such a born one. A slave... What? Oh, no! Yeah? Oh, my God! Oh, dear. Wow. Yeah, yeah, that's... Huh? Huh? Huh? No, 80,000? Oh, no. What? Wait... eeeeee..."
A fox cub exhaling slowly with a huff.
"It would be no surprise if a great demon king were attached to it. With such an increase in skill, I'm not surprised at the title. You've got it all figured out. Finally, what is it that you are going to do, and what is it that you want to do?
"Hopefully, I will have a peaceful life. Ideally, I would like to live a peaceful life, surrounded by a harem."
"...You are an honest person. Very well. The curse will be removed.
The removal of the curse took only a moment. I have no idea what has changed, but according to the vixen, I now have the air of a completely different person.
"By the way, I haven't heard your name. I am Linos.
Yes, I knew your name from my memory. We white foxes basically don't have names.
"What should I call you then? You, then."
Basically, they are often called by the name of the place where they are worshipped as deities. The name of the god of XX country, or the fox of XX, etc. If you like, I would like you to name it after me. If you give me a name, my status as a household member of the god will be a little higher.
Names... Kitsune, if it's a fox...
Let's call him Gon.
...no reconsideration?
"Choose one of the three."
"...Gong is fine..."
Don't look so disappointed, Gon. I'll make you another offering. By the way, Piaolan was disguised as a human. Can Gong disguise himself as a human too?
"I can do it...it's no problem..."
Gon, who has been humanized, is... well, how should I put it...
"Your face is just like a fox's! Rejected!"
In fact, Gon does not seem to be very good at humanization. When he first became a white fox, he tried to join the children's games because they looked so interesting, but he was beaten up. The reason is simple: he simply forgot to humanize himself and ran out as a fox.
By the way, who is Gon's god?
Our god is the nine-tailed fox.
I knew it! It's the fox that lives for 10,000 years, right? Then, Gon might have a chance to become a fox with nine tails.
"Well, I am a dropout. Even if I reach the god's level, it will take at least another 10,000 years, so please be patient.
I won't be around for that long, will I?
What do you think?
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